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In line with DfE statutory guidance and in recognition of the cost of living crisis, and an awareness of the importance of becoming eco-friendlier, we now have a stock of pre-loved uniform that is available all year round, free of charge. Parents have donated lots of uniform in really good condition, that perhaps would previously have gone to landfill sites. 

These items of school uniform are stored in a waterproof cupboard under the canopy near the main school office. The cupboard is open every day and we invite and encourage parents to help themselves to any items of uniform that they may require. 

the featherbank uniform

  • Emerald Green sweatshirt or cardigan - with school logo
  • White polo shirt (optional school logo)
  • Grey trousers / shorts / skirts / pinafores
  • Plain, dark-coloured shoes (no trainers / boots / sandals)
  • Book bag (emerald green with logo - optional)

Please note that any hoodies, jumpers or sweatshirts that are not emerald green with the school logo will not be permitted in school.

Please ensure that your child wears sensible footwear to school to minimise the risk of tripping or falling in the playground.If children are not wearing the correct footwear, they will be asked to change into shoes or black pumps in school.

No jewellery or watches (including fitbits) should be worn apart from small ear studs which must be removed for PE lessons.  Appropriate hairstyles and accessories are expected in school.  Children will not be permitted to have extreme styles including unnatural colours and shaved patterns.  This will be at the Head teacher's discretion.


PE kit

  • Emerald green sweatshirt or cardigan - with school logo
  • Plain white T-shirt (optional school logo)
  • Black shorts
  • Plain, black trainers
  • Plain black jogging bottoms (or leggings)


  • How Do I order my child’s school uniform?
    1. Click on the link to take you to the  Online Uniform Shop 
    2. Delivery is free to school or alternatively you can choose to pay post and packing and have your uniform delivered to your home address.
    3. Deliveries to school will be every Friday for all orders placed by 3pm on Monday.

    Our uniform is supplied from a Bradford based company called G.D.B. Manufacturing. We have worked with this company for many years and they have always delivered a good reliable service offering very good value for money. They also offer a range of other uniform items including good quality school coats, kit bags & book bags.

    We are very mindful of the cost of school uniform and as such, the only items with a school logo that are compulsory are either the school jumper or the school cardigan, which are only available from our uniform supplier.

    You are free to use any uniform retailer you choose, for all other items of uniform.  In addition, we now offer pre-loved uniform free of charge.

    Pre-loved Uniform

    In line with DfE statutory guidance and in recognition of the cost of living crisis and an awareness of the importance of becoming eco-friendlier, we now have a stock of pre-loved uniform that is available all year round, free of charge. Parents have donated lots of uniform in really good condition, that perhaps would previously have gone to landfill sites. 

    These items of school uniform are stored in a waterproof cupboard under the canopy near the main school office. The cupboard is open every day and we invite and encourage parents to help themselves to any items of uniform that they may require.

    If anyone has any difficulty with ordering online, please contact the office.


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